Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Before The First Class / Week 1

  • My best piece of creative work before starting the Bachelor of Computational Design.
This is one of my 2 final presentation boards from my Diploma of Architectural Technology (TAFE).
I was required to design a commercial building for retail & office use.

  • An image of a great piece of architecture.
UTS (University of Technology, Sydney). Dr Chau Chak Wing Building, designed by Frank Gehry.
Features such as the window frames, brickwork & overall curvature of this building make it very unique & remarkable.
  • An original photograph of something beautiful.
Uki, NSW, Australia
When I was 10 years old, my Mother and I moved to Northern NSW to live on acreage & live a lifestyle different to all that we knew. This is a photograph of some of our land.

  • Examples of creative work.
Hazan Motorworks Road; Pose; Vintage

Rolex Jewel ; Flash ; Luminous

Christian Benner Custom Whip ; Drape ; Heavy